Monday, May 24, 2010

P is for Patience

We would like to tell you we are in Russia right now, but we are not.

Last Wednesday, we got a call that A is still in the hospital. While he was recovering from his surgery, he picked up a flu bug. Since he has a fever, they will not release him to go back to the orphanage. While we were very disappointed, we know he is in the right place getting the care that he needs. We are still waiting for new travel dates, pending his release. We hope to hear soon that he has made a full recovery, and we can schedule our trip to meet him ASAP.

In the meantime, we have been busy preparing our house for a little one. We are starting to amass quite a pile of clothes, including (much to my dismay) Minnesota Viking's apparel -- Skol! {editor} I have a few items that are Chicago Bear's colors, but nothing with the Bear's logo YET (will have to plead for my family's assistance to remedy that). Alan's parents have been a great resource, visiting garage sales on a weekly basis. One of the best finds so far is a stroller for $7. It had $1.75 in quarters in one of the compartments, so the net cost was $5.25!! We also picked up a Baby Bjorn and some toys. Being the Quality Assurance Analyst that he is, Alan had to test out the Baby Bjorn right away using a talking stuffed creature I had purchased at the same garage sale. I use the word creature because I am not exactly sure what it is.

One other item of note is that we have received our I-171H, the "Notice of Favorable Determination Concerning Application for Advanced Processing of Orphan Petition." This means we have approval from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services to bring an orphan in to the United States. We are now considered "paperwork ready," which is helpful in getting a court date once we get to Russia.

That is all for now. Please stay tuned to the blog for additional updates.

- Kathy


  1. I just adore that you guys are doing this, and I am so excited for you. I love hearing about the twists and turns, because you are living what we had expected to go through (before the little surprise who is Hazel!) and I've always felt that we were missing out on something so awesome. Thank you for sharing your story with us! Simon is also thrilled to pieces that there will be another boy in the family. Absolutely thrilled!! :D

  2. YAY the paperwork is officially complete. Baby A will soon fight this bug off and you will be off to meet your new baby boy. Thank-You for sharing your journey. You are in my continued thoughts and prayers.


  3. The creature looks like "Baby Tad" which is a frog from Leap Frog. :) We have one too. Baby "A" will love it. Our kids did! Can't wait to meet him. Sorry you are having travel issues. Makes me glad to be out of the industry right now.

  4. Michelle and I are sitting her catching up on the blog --wow --- a lot has happened in the last month. It sounds like there have been a few unexpected bumps in the road but you are getting closer to the family you have been praying for. We are thinking of you.

  5. Are you registered at Target or Babies R Us? We'd like to help make sure you have all the gear (it is a bit appalling how much stuff-ness it takes to keep a little guy happy!!) We should know! - your 1314 Neighbors xoxox
